Christiane F. Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo/interrupted life stories
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Christiane F. Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo/interrupted life stories

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 Regolamento/Rules [to read before to start] ITA/ENG

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Femmina Numero di messaggi : 694
lives in : Genoa
Work/Study : designer
knows CF WKVBZ since.. : 1999
Data d'iscrizione : 20.10.07

Regolamento/Rules [to read before to start] ITA/ENG Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Regolamento/Rules [to read before to start] ITA/ENG   Regolamento/Rules [to read before to start] ITA/ENG EmptySab Feb 02, 2008 1:06 pm

E'arrivato il momento, data la continua crescita (per fortuna!) del numero degli utenti di questo forum e dati gli spiacevoli episodi verificatisi nel corso di questi anni a causa di utenti invasati ed ossessionati, di stabilire una volta e per tutte quei punti fondamentali da rispettare per il BENESSERE COMUNE DI TUTTI GLI UTENTI DI QUESTA COMUNITA’. Vi chiedo espressamente di LEGGERE BENE queste note prima di iscrivervi e postare.

E’ vietato:

•inserire messaggi volgari, bestemmie e insulti ad utenti, personaggi pubblici o a qualsiasi altra persona; PENA CANCELLAZIONE DEI MESSAGGI INCRIMINATI E SUCCESSIVO BAN DEI TRASGRESSORI.

•lasciare messaggi contenenti apologie di ideologie politiche, religiose, o qualsiasi enfatizzazione di superiorità di una razza, etnia, nazionalità, regione, ideologia o credo religioso, vale anche per firme ed avatar; PENA CANCELLAZIONE DEI MESSAGGI IN QUESTIONE E SUCCESSIVO BAN DEI TRASGRESSORI.

•creare una degenerazione della discussione pubblica indugiando in ripicche e offese gratuite; PENA CANCELLAZIONE DEI MESSAGGI IN QUESTIONE E SUCCESSIVO BAN DEI TRASGRESSORI.

•inserire foto, avatar volgari e offensivi e, per ogni immagine, soprattutto se protetta da copyright, citare sempre la fonte (web, cartacea, o altro) . In caso contrario lo staff non ne risponderà in alcun modo, la responsabilità dei danni arrecati ai legittimi proprietari sarà infatti solo ed unicamente dell’ utente trasgressore .

•è vietato riportare nel forum conversazioni private (email, chattate) senza l'autorizzazione dei diretti interessati; PENA CANCELLAZIONE DEI MESSAGGI IN QUESTIONE E SUCCESSIVO BAN DEI TRASGRESSORI.

•è vietato scrivere lo stesso messaggio più volte perchè potrebbe causare confusione a chi vuole rispondere;

•è vietato aprire nuove discussioni dove l'argomento sia la contestazione della chiusura di un thread, è ovviamente vietato aprire thread uguali a quelli chiusi; PENA CANCELLAZIONE DEL THREAD IN QUESTIONE E SUCCESSIVO BAN DEI TRASGRESSORI.

•usare la CHAT BOX per polemizzare o risolvere faccende personali o chiarire eventuali divergenze tra utenti ; PENA BAN!


•discutere dell'operato dell’ amministratore e dei moderatori del forum in quanto qualsiasi decisione o provvedimento da loro preso è incontestabile essendo volto solo ed unicamente al corretto funzionamento di questo forum e alla convivenza serena tra tutti. Ogni loro azione sarà insindacabile, eventuali contestazioni dovranno essere esposte privatamente tramite email o messaggio privato. Aprire topic dichiaratamente polemici di certo non aiuta, inoltre la comunicazione privata tra utente e moderatore rende più semplice il chiarimento ed eventualmente, l’ arrivo a punti d'incontro costruttivi per tutti.

•nel caso in cui un utente venga bannato è severamente vietata una nuova iscrizione al forum con un altro nick (il famoso FAKE). Vi ricordo che l’ amministratore al momento dell’ iscrizione di un nuovo utente è immediatamente a conoscenza del suo indirizzo IP (identificatore di connessione) che è diverso per ognuno. In caso di doppia identità, l’ indirizzo IP che in precedenza era già stato bannato, verrà automaticamente segnalato da / all’ amministratore del forum il quale con l’ aiuto del gestore, deciderà se prendere o meno ulteriori provvedimenti nei confronti del trasgressore.

cerchiamo di :

•scrivere i messaggi nelle sezioni adeguate;

•evitare di rispondere alle discussioni aprendo nuovi thread; si può tranquillamente rispondere cliccando sul tasto "Post Reply" del relativo messaggio;

•evitare di postare lo stesso messaggio in più sezioni del forum;

•dare adeguati titoli alle nuove discussioni in modo che gli altri utenti capiscano di cosa trattano e possano anche localizzarle velocemente;

•in ogni messaggio esprimerci educatamente rispettando gli altri;

•essere tolleranti con chi commette errori sintattici o grammaticali. Chi scrive è comunque tenuto a migliorare il proprio linguaggio in modo da risultare comprensibile a tutti;

•non andare fuori tema principale della discussione (Off Topic);

E vi ricordo infine che, appena iscritti, è buona norma presentarsi agli altri utenti nell' apposita sezione.

Grazie per l’ attenzione,
Babmin Administrator & CF&c. Staff

Ultima modifica di babmin il Mer Lug 14, 2010 1:09 pm - modificato 3 volte. (Motivazione : sss)
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Femmina Numero di messaggi : 694
lives in : Genoa
Work/Study : designer
knows CF WKVBZ since.. : 1999
Data d'iscrizione : 20.10.07

Regolamento/Rules [to read before to start] ITA/ENG Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Regolamento/Rules [to read before to start] ITA/ENG   Regolamento/Rules [to read before to start] ITA/ENG EmptyMer Lug 14, 2010 1:10 pm


No discussion of any illegal activity or threats of violence

-No use of explicit, obscene or vulgar language or images and/or messages, including racist remarks.

-No posts that attack, insult, "flame", defame, or abuse members or non-members. Respect other members of the community and don’t belittle, make fun off, or insult another member or non-member. Decisions about health and well-being are highly personal, individual choices. "Flaming" and insults, however, will not be tolerated. Agree to disagree. This applies to both the forums and chat.We will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks

-No use of multiple usernames. Please register and use only one username for the forums. Posting under multiple user accounts will result in administrative action (ie. banning).
we can control the IP(every navigator of internet have his IP=identifier of connection)from the members,the eliminated members(so a new registration is inefficacious) and also about guests online (but not members of the forum )or members but not connected presently
any IPs from which you are connected you is checked, therefore from any pc or sets in which are, therefore if it has been made elimination of an IP, it will surely be another of it if the consumer transgressor keeps on enrolling.In case of double identity, the I address IP that in precedence it had already been eliminated , you/he/she will automatically be signalled by / to the administrator of the forum which I help some manager with the, will decide if prend provisions towards the transgressor.
the elimination will also happen through email, also in case of double email

-No posts of copyrighted material. Information copyrighted or owned by any individual or entity other than the person posting should not be posted on the message boards without the consent of the owner.
in this forum the data is comes from public domain,available on the web, accessible to whoever and to the course of everybody or about personal pictures(rare cases!!) and every authority is always mention(origin,site,link,magazine,movie and so on) and that musts be valid for everyone!!(ie. banning).
nobody has never declared that in this forum the photos come from the staff or other customers, never! all the photos are of public domain, found on Internet or are photo conserved from the customers (articles of newspapers, personal photos) or photos (photo taken to Berlin or other) for every photo, video, interview, situated etc we cite always the origin source
never has not been written that the photos are of VERA or of BABMIN less than were not photos taken directly from coming from we or from personal material

YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER: what for any type of material you always have to quote the sources or to thank sites, link, articles of newspapers, names if you can put also the link of the page of origin ,considering that we don't want that disagreeable drawbacks and accusations are verified from consumers of non true (thing that is already happened with a consumer) things and ever affirmed by us[/size
[size=18]We of the staff (BABMIN the administrator and me) have never sustained, said or written that the material that is found in the forum both ours (except for the photos gone off to berlin or photo coming from the books that exactly are personal photo thing always quoted)
I subsequently confirm that here we are not made competitions, we don't make collections, nothing we doesn't sell, we don't want a climate of [u][size=18]misunderstandings of infantilism, of avarice we are here for sharing reflections, discussions, inherent news to christiane f and her history, in the maximum respect of the person of christiane f (what we don't consider a star of it, of it something to be collected)

if your purposes go to the of the' of our forum, then this is not the correct place for your permanence we accept of good degree respectful consumers, that the forum don't use for polemic, that you/they don't display something, that doesn't enter stupid competitions or really useless and absurd jealousies
we warmly wish that such principle is clear once and for all and that there is no other ugly surprises, in case there were it is clear that the consumer will be eliminated by the forum
-[u]all it takes is skimming through the forum and whoever can realize that has never been place our name under any photo the name you/he/she has been set only in case of personal material really possessed from a member and solo in rare cases (and this is not able' to have doubted, in how much any only holder of material-magazine-film-books doesn't exist - personally purchased in newspaper kiosk, bookstores, videoteche)
-or personal photo you personally go off always to his/her own material or tied up material to trips
-it doesn't interest us to have belonging personal material to third people and in every case we always quote the sources

-Do not disrespect administrators and moderators. Be respectful in both the forums and any private communications with moderators. Moderators are volunteers that donate many, many hours of their own time to help in the forums and chat rooms. Violations of this rule will not be tolerated.(ie. banning).
If you have a question for a moderator on a decision, you can email them and discuss it privately.
[b]if the motivations of your registration (we remember that every registration will be' checked) are tied up to create polemic, misunderstandings in the forum, to lift unfounded accusations toward the staff or the members of the forum, to denigrate the forum for personal (what we don't know) matters the registration you/he/she will automatically be eliminated and it won't be possible to effect another of it

-Do not post offline personal contact information (ie. your home address, phone numbers etc.) and do not ask for personal information from others.

-No duplicate posts.

-is prohibited to carry topic outside having others arguments .Who opens a thread constructive expects an aid and a useful comparison from who participates . Give debit inconsistent answers is a form of respect lack

-No irrelevant or off-topic posts. Posts which are not relevant to the forum topic may be deleted at the moderator's discretion.

-Check for open topics. Before posting a new topic, please check to see if there is already a topic open on the subject.

-Any posts that encourage illegal intent will be removed and the account disabled.

-Your account is yours alone. You are responsible for any activity created with it. You may not share your account login with anyone. If you choose to ignore this important restriction your account, and any accounts associated with it, will be disabled.

Users that do not abide by the rules may be subject to having their posts edited or deleted, their member account permanently banned from further access and/or deleted without notice.We also reserve the right to ban anyone who wilfully violates the forum rules.Suspension of your account is a definite consequence of not adhering to these guidelines.

this forum is not A Shop, we don't sell some type of material, we accept any type of payment of it material, don't do requires us of kind any form of accusation or application in this sense it/he/she will be signalled
it is not a place for collectors, we don't exchange material, it doesn't interest us to have of it, such fools they don't interest us competitions, we don't appreciate members that follow such line

we will always try to maintain the essence of the forum, a pleasant climate without battles and without these negativitàs brought by consumers to the search of the quarrel that we won't bear on my behalf and of Babmin anymore,this for the respect of the forum, of the appointment that there put, for a respect toward the consumers that are behaved well here always and for a respect toward that christiane f.
we also confide in one collaboration of yours to maintain such climate and to still send away away every negativity
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