Christiane F. Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo/interrupted life stories
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Christiane F. Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo/interrupted life stories

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 IMPORTANT, rules about pics and publication

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Femmina Numero di messaggi : 694
lives in : Genoa
Work/Study : designer
knows CF WKVBZ since.. : 1999
Data d'iscrizione : 20.10.07

IMPORTANT, rules about pics and publication Empty
MessaggioTitolo: IMPORTANT, rules about pics and publication   IMPORTANT, rules about pics and publication EmptyMer Lug 14, 2010 1:17 pm

because of a disagreeable drawback (besides not caused from the staff what they have gotten tired us and disappointed) happened because of a new consumer (eliminated) which has accused us of non true things, denigrating our job (for his personal motives for omnipresence and omnipotence in any forums tied up to christiane f. it's not the first time...)
please collaborated to maintain clear the forum and to hold distant similar people

YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER: what for any type of material you always have to quote the sources or to thank sites, link, articles of newspapers, names if you can put also the link of the page of origin , considering that there is the usual consumer that sieves any forums devoted to christiane (and as we thought he has arrived here also...) , sustaining that any photos or tied up material to her, are alone of his dominion ....ok

we of the staff (Babmin the administrator of the forum and me) have never sustained, said or written that the material that is found in the forum both ours (except for the photos gone off to berlin or photo coming from the books that exactly are personal photo thing always quoted)
I subsequently confirm that here they are not made competitions, we don't make collections, nothing we doesn't sell, we don't want a climate of misunderstandings, of infantilism, of avarice we are here for sharing reflections, discussions, inherent news to christiane f and her history, in the maximum respect of the person of christiane f (what we don't consider a star of it, of it something to be collected)
[u]to us it doesn't interest to make stupid competitions of the "I am me the fan number one of christiane" of it interests us to have excited members or to establish only a based forum on the material
-all it takes is skimming through the forum and whoever can realize that has never been place our name under any photo the name you/he/she has been set only in case of personal material really possessed from a member and only in rare cases (and this is not able' to have doubted, in how much any only holder of material-magazine-film-books doesn't exist - personally purchased in newspaper kiosk, bookstores, shops of dvd or vhs)
-or personal photo you personally go off always to his/her own material or tied up material to trips
-it doesn't interest us to have belonging personal material to third people and in every case we always quote the sources

if your purposes go to the of the' of our forum, then this is not the correct place for your permanence we accept of good degree respectful consumers, that the forum don't use for polemic, that you/they don't display something, that doesn't enter stupid competitions or really useless and absurd jealousies

let's believe that is very stupid to make polemic for of the photos published that are of publish dominion,available on the web, accessible to whoever and to the course of everybody (with so much of tries and of link!!!)and we hold unacceptable and very a lot of fool to receive orders from people that are inscribed for denigrating, to invent tied up non true things to ridiculous motivations that bring the forum in a direction that we don't want and it doesn't interest us to emulate other community.Us we always try to maintain a pleasant environment in the forum, we look for try to adjourn it where we are able, we create some forms of comparison and we don't accept polemics, quarrels, embezzlements, in how much it doesn't interest us, it is not in our style, not in this forum
we warmly wish that such principle is clear once and for all and that there is no other ugly surprises, in case there were it is clear that the consumer will be eliminated by the forum

this forum is not A Shop, we don't sell some type of material, we accept any type of payment of it material, don't do requires us of kind any form of accusation or application in this sense it/he/she will be signalled
we don't accept any harmful accusation, unfounded said only to denigrate the forum from third external people to such forum
[b]in fact in the forum there is no anybody test of all of this' and all can testify (then any harmful and unfounded accusation will return to the interested forehand)
it is not a place for collectors, we don't exchange material, it doesn't interest us to have of it, such fools they don't interest us competitions, we don't appreciate members that follow such line
ALL THE MEMBERS OF THIS FORUM don't appreciate such lines or members that bring forth similar behaviors, affirmations and accusations

similar and stupid competitions ruin only our forum that doesn't follow at all a line of the kind, we hold such non inherent matters to the forum and therefore not pleasant, not volutes in the forum so many other forums exist for being able to quarrel or to profess yourself someone therefore there is elsewhere ample choice,but not certainly here
the staff (BABMIN & VERA BOWIE)
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IMPORTANT, rules about pics and publication
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